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[ · Скачать удаленно (406.21 Kb) ] 28/04/2007, 11:54
What can it do?

- Damage messages
- Heals (incoming and outgoing) and Overhealing (with healer ID's), with filtering for small heals.
- Spell Damage/Resists and Damage Type
- All "Miss" events (dodge, block, immune, etc...)
- Custom Colors for all text events
- Config file to setup custom events (self and target), capture data, and display it.
- Debuff/Buff gain and loss Messages
- Low Health and Mana Warnings with values, and optional sounds
- Rage/Mana/Energy Gains
- Enter and Leave Combat Messages
- Rogue Combo Points, 5 CP Alert Message
- Class Skill alerts (Execute, Overpower, CounterAttack, etc...)
- Honor, Reputation, Skill Gain
- Eight Animation Types (Verticle, Rainbow, Horizontal, Angled Down, Angled Up, Sprinkler, Curved HUD, Angled HUD)
- Four Fonts
- Two seperate Animation frames, each with their own settings. Assign any Event to either.
- Ability to flag any event as critical or as a text messages
- Sliders for text size, opacity, animation speed, movement speed, and on screen placement (with custom editbox)
- Lightmode, for when you care most about performance (at the loss of a few features).
- Now Based in Ace2.
- CTMod, MyAddons, Cosmos, Cosmos2 support
- Settings saved per character by default, but supports all Ace2 Profiles
- Load/Delete settings from another character. Load built in Profiles.
- Localized to work in almost all WoW clients.

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Всего комментариев: 2
2 Talamaur (10/03/2008 22:59) [Материал]
версия обнавлена
1 Batters (09/07/2007 01:20) [Материал]
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